
You can click the different intersections of the braid (highlighted in green on hover) to change the crossings and the pattern will update with all of the changes

Changing the number of strands resets the braid

Changing the number of rows keeps the braid in tact, but all rows added will be the default (even if you subtract rows then add them back)

The actual cables start on row 3 and end on the secend to last row

There are two garter stitches at the start and end of each row

The pattern starts on the right side

The cables are stockinette while the background between the cables are reverse stockinette

If you want to repeat the pattern, make sure you have an even amount of rows in your braid, as there are three rows in the pattern per braid row and if there's an odd number you'll get to your repeat on the wrong side

These are not necessarily beginner patterns, if you're unsure, I would recommend starting with this braid to get familiar with the stitches

In progress features:

Some default patterns for examples/inspiration

Drawing a chart that can be saved as an image for those who prefer charts

Adding in an option for patterns with resting rows on the wrong side so the cables are only worked on the right side

Adding an option for working in the round

If you enjoy this, you can suport me on Ko-fi

This site is still a work in progress, you can give me feedback here

Written Pattern

Cast on the number of stitches in the chart, knit one row at before and after the pattern. It starts on the right side row